Steel Mould MFG Metal Trading LLC is a part of the multinational Bramco Group which has extensive operations in such diverse fields as quarrying, aluminum alloys, aluminum die casting, non-stick cookware, scrap processing, sacrificial anodes, de-oxidants and steel. The products of Steel Mould MFG Metal Trading LLC are manufactured to strict international specifications at our facilities in Sharjah.
We manufacture the following products:
Grating is a structural element that has a high load-bearing capacity with a low dead weight and a high level of transparency. The positive-fitting connection of the bearing bars and cross bars with the surround make the grating not only a very stable, but also visually attractive product.
The applications are very diverse, as grating is used everywhere in industry and architecture. As an extremely robust, safe yet light platform flooring, the grating is indispensable in all areas of heavy industry.